I'm not feeling 100% yet, but I did get back to the workouts. I didn't really have much change in my weight over the week at all, but I do weigh a pound or two more than at the beginning of February. I missed all of last week, and I'll probably miss tomorrow, so I didn't want to wait until Wednesday. Today was the first day of upper body work since I bought the 8 pound weights. They're heavy and it was a bit difficult on my triceps. The rows weren't easy, but not as bad as the tricep kick-backs. It's been a while since I've really felt my muscles straining in that painful, yet kinda enjoyable way. Today's workout also included 6 "laps" of running, which ended up being a threat to my life. My dog decided that my running up and down the hallway was an invitation to play with Bearly. It's a gutted fleece stuffed bear that she wanted to play tug of war. It led to me jumping over her on a few of my laps. Luckily, I've improved my balance with the Wii fit yoga and balance games and didn't fall on my head. I only have one work out left on 30 Day Challenge and then I will move on to the 6 week challenge on the More Workouts.
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