Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 16D--Catch Up

Thanksgiving set me back a bit, but not too far. Even with the football game causing the meal to be delayed for three hours of snacking, I didn't go overboard too far. Now that most of the leftovers are gone or frozen, I can get back to eating healthful food without guilt about the food that could go bad.

I weighed the same this morning as I did last Tuesday morning. I am trying to catch back up on the missed workouts in the EA Active 6-week Challenge and should be able to do that tomorrow. My core continues to strengthen and I think my legs are, too. It's harder to tell about my legs from the charts because I'm doing squats and lunges on the Wii, so they're not fresh when I do the wall sit. My quantity of lunges has also gone down, but the quality has improved. My back leg is going all the way to the ground. I can't do a larger lunge than I did today. I am trying to hold off on measurements until the middle of the month so it will be a full month since the last time I measured. If I measure too often, the lack of change is a little depressing and counters the feeling that I have that everything seems more toned and muscular.

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