Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 17C--Run completed

I ran my 4.77 miles yesterday and it was ok. It was actually better than ok. Other than the first mile which sucked because I was really, really cold, the run was great. Miles 2-4 were glorious. They were easier than the first mile and easier than the last 3/4 mile. I didn't run as quickly as I had hoped, but I did finish in 58:19, which is just over 12:02 a mile.
This was the longest I've ever run in my entire life. As I keep extending my runs, I will get to say this all the time. It feels really good to say that. It also feels really good to run that. I felt really triumphant at the completion of the run and my goals for this run.
I'm really enjoying the longer runs. This is not something I expected. I thought that the longer runs would be boring, but they're not. I can't really remember the landmarks of my run or the actual moments of the run. I won't go so far as to say that the run was transcendent, but it was meditative.


  1. Congrats! You're getting to the good stuff! I often found my long runs meditative too. Especially when I did them without headphones. I never knew where I was when running races. It all kinda started to look the same and I was OK with that.

  2. I did have headphones on, but I don't remember adjusting the volume or skipping any songs the entire time. That never happens to me. I'm always fidgeting with my hat, earphones or something. I don't think I did that yesterday at all.

  3. This is the beautiful part of it all!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I love the long runs. Oh hell, I love them all.

  4. Congrats! One long run down, and thousands yet to come!

  5. Thanks, Alisyn. I'm actually excited by the prospect of thousands more. I can't believe I typed that and mean it.
