Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 24C--Weather and changed goals.

I had planned on running on Monday, but it was too cold. It was too cold on Tuesday, Wednesday and today, too. I bowl tomorrow, so I will try to fit in my run on Saturday. That's the first day the weather is supposed to get into the mid-50s. Since I'm not trying to fit it in from work to home, I think I'll aim for 8 miles. I just set up my route. Just realized that if I maintain a 12:00 pace, I'll be running for 96 minutes. I can't wait until I can improve my pace on my runs. I know that the more I run, the better my time will get. I will run more once the weather turns to spring and stops freezing. I will let you all know how the run goes. This will probably be my last long run before my official training begins on the 30th. I'm sure that I will run more starting in May.

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