Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 18C--Accomplishments

Part of me feels like I've bit off more than I can chew. Trying to raise at least $1,000 for charity and training to run 26.2 miles. Luckily, that's only part of me. Most of me thinks that I'm already making really good progress on these goals. I'm trying to listen to the optimistic parts, not the pessimistic thoughts.
I've already raised $680, so I'm 2/3 of the way to succeeding and I've only been at that for three weeks. I still have three months left to raise another $320. I'd like to raise more than $1,000, but will be happy to just secure my spot in the marathon. If I look at the figures I just laid out, I feel confident that I will have no problems hitting the bare minimum in plenty of time.
I've already increased my maximum run from 3.1 miles to 4 miles and then to 4.8 miles. I've been ignoring the 10% rule, but have been leaving plenty of time for rest between my runs and have been paying attention to every ache. The aches have not been bad at all and usually only occur the day after the long run as some muscle tightness. My official marathon training doesn't start for another three weeks and I'm already enjoying the long, outdoor runs. I feel like I'm already ahead of the point that is expected of me by the coaches. They've even said as much in some online messages.
It's much easier to listen to the negative voices, but it's getting easier to believe the positive ones. I need to remind myself that the negativity is BS and serves no purpose.

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